Kamis, 15 Desember 2016


Improving Agriculture Production

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.
Good evening, first of all I would like to ask of you to give thanks to the presence of greatest Allah swt, who has given us the blessing and guidance, so that we can gather here in this beautiful place.
On the occassion of this time, I would like deliver a speech about Improving Agriculture Production

The success of the agricultural production is affected by many factors. Many agriculture in indonesia who complain about the low results or the productivity of crops due to lack of information on how effectively increase agricultural production due to lack of knowledge of current technology and resources are limited and the land owned by farmers.

How to tackle the issues is using the role of students to submit information about improving the productivity of the harvest in a way to introduce a variety of agricultural technology such as the use of fertilizer and tools in increasing production. To address the problem of limited use of land is planting vegetables with the method of hydroponic. This method is very environmentally friendly because it doesn't require pesticides and herbicides which are toxic not even require a lot of water such as farming in a way conventional. It is also making vegetables produced more safe and healthy.

But this method requires other elements to support the growth of plants. Usually use sand, coconut husk, broken rocks and coral reefs, foam, gravel, a pumice stone, wood pieces even can also use the wire gauze nylon. On the basis of the plants in vegetables and fruits produced by means of hydroponics have good quality. Growing vegetables in a way to hydroponics is very profitable because maintenance that is easy and presentation of the smaller and more healthy because it is free of chemicals that can be harmful to the body. However, this method is not suitable for all kinds of plants, only matched in some types of plants such as tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach and others.

That's how we can tell a chance this time, with great hope that we can all take the epitome of the discussion.

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